Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ecco il nuovo OpenCD in italiano

linux@studenti ha rilasciato Windows Anti Virus Edizione Italiana 3.3.TheOpenCD ?-a mio parere ma non solo- la raccolta dei migliori programmi open source per Windows.Potete scaricarlo dal server del Politecnico di Torino oppure navigarlo online dalla home page: versione 3.3 sono stati aggiornati alla versione piu’ recente:Firefox (,OpenOffice (2.3.0),Thunderbird (,SeaMonkey (1.1.4),ClamWin (0.91-2),Pidgin (2.2.1),VLC (0.8.6c),FileZilla

This will ensure you don't give up. It is Streamyx easy to get dis-heartened.

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6. Look at what others do - If everyone is doing it - chances are it is not the right thing to do as people are just copying each other.

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So remember that you won't get rich overnight - but a bit of passive income is what you are after. After all - better to leverage your efforts than do the same thing over and over again.

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